Which Palestine do you mean? The Arab-Palestinian dilemma di Khaled Abdelhay Elsayed edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Which Palestine do you mean? The Arab-Palestinian dilemma





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This book details the primary explanation for the "Palestinian Dilemma" and acknowledged three incessant imperfections in Arab culture and their attitudes; Islamization of the Palestinian cause, Palestinianization of the Muslim-Arab Mentality, and Cantonization of the (concept of) Land. Likewise the Palestinian (individuals, leaders and negotiators) have no single response regarding the exact straightforward inquiry: "Which piece of land do they mean and is it indistinguishable?" Along with the real blame that the Palestinians have a ¿Double Standards¿; they have a stereotype (rogue and evil) for Jews in their imaginations - perhaps from religion - while truly, the Palestinians rely on Israeli administrations/services and products, which appears to eyewitnesses as a state of "Mental Schizophreniä.

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