Where There's A Will di MARY ROBER RINEHART edito da Kessinger Publishing
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Where There's A Will





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Descrizione Where There's A Will

1912. American writer of mystery novels known for their humor and ingenuity. The book begins: When it was all over Mr. Sam came out to the spring-house to say good-by to me before he and Mrs. Sam left. I hated to see him go, after all we had been through together, and I suppose he saw it in my face, for he came over close and stood looking down at me, and smiling. You saved us, Minnie, he said, and I needn't tell you we're grateful; but do you know what I think? he asked, pointing his long forefinger at me. I think you've enjoyed it even when you were suffering most. Red-haired women are born to intrigue, as the sparks fly upward. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.

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