Where On Earth Is The Kingdom Of Heaven? di Marcia E. Havaris edito da Balboa Press
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Where On Earth Is The Kingdom Of Heaven?

A Contemplation


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Where On Earth Is The Kingdom Of Heaven?

You are invited to explore different ways of viewing the Kingdom of Heaven and to experience the simple beauty of Kingdom Living. The Kingdom of Heaven waits quietly for us to seek it. It does not attempt to draw us in with noise and glitter. It makes no appeal to our physical senses. It merely IS open, serene, waiting, ready to embrace all who are seeking. Included is the popular poem, Today I will Choose Peace Above all Else, followed by One Way a Day: Deepening My Commitment to Kingdom Living, a collection of 13 daily Meditations on the different precepts found in the poem. Each page contains a nugget of Truth, which may be applied immediately or may be carried in your heart and pondered awhile.

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