Where Is God? di William Jannen edito da iUniverse
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Where Is God?

"Man Shall Not See Me and Live" (Exodus 33:20)







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Descrizione Where Is God?

The monotheist God evolved in the Jewish tradition and was adopted by Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism in turn: unknowable and ineffable. Religious writers have told us for thousands of years that this God is beyond all human comprehension. How can we know if a God is out there? Even if such a God exists, scripture claims that it means death even to look upon him. How, then, can we come to know God? Pagan polytheists had no such problem. Their world was full of Gods. They often appeared in human form and interacted with human beings. They could be unpredictable and had to be handled carefully. Monotheism replaced all that with God that is a complete mystery. He cannot be found. He cannot be seen. He cannot be understood by human minds. If that is what religion has come to, we may as well face the fact that we are alone in the universe. We shall have to learn to live with that. There s nothing out there.

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