Where is the change of behavior? Assessment on HIV/AIDS education di Yonas Regassa Guta edito da VDM Verlag
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Where is the change of behavior? Assessment on HIV/AIDS education

Where is the change of behavior? Assessment on the integrated early school adolescents' sexual and reproductive health (HIV/AIDS) education


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Where is the change of behavior? Assessment on HIV/AIDS education

Despite high level of HIV/AIDS knowledge, almost all still fails to take precautions against contracting the virus. HIV/AIDS education was integrated for more than a decade into school adolescents' sexual and reproductive health education so as to track behaviour. However, persistent denial in change of behaviour has exacerbated the expanding horizon of HIV/AIDS. This study examines the integrated early school adolescents' sexual and reproductive health (HIV/AIDS) education and determines some prognostic factors which may cause denial of change of behaviour in their late adolescent and adulthood life. A cross-sectional study inquiring into determinants, comparisons and correlates of knowledge, attitudes and practice was conducted. A multi-system perspective, an approach that focuses on the reciprocal relations among the students, the teachers and teaching-learning materials on the domains of learning was employed. The findings emphasis on the significance of providing competent HIV/AIDS education which enhance domains of learing, with specific attention to practical skills, and hence their synergy augments practical behaviour.

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