Where Have You Gone '82 Brewers? di Tom Haudricourt edito da Kci Sports Publishing

Where Have You Gone '82 Brewers?





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Descrizione Where Have You Gone '82 Brewers?

The 1982 Milwaukee Brewers, affectionately dubbed ?Harvey's Wallbangers? after legendary manager Harvey Kuenn, carved a permanent niche in the hearts of Milwaukee Brewers fans with their captivating march to the 1982 World Series. Led by future Hall-of-Famers Robin Yount, Paul Molitor and Rollie Fingers, this close-knit, blue-collar team captured the very essence of the city, a major reason why those players remain so popular 25 years after that glorious summer. Where are the ?82 Brewers today? Many remain in baseball but others found different paths to take in retirement. Their stories are as varied as their personalities and the unique roles they served on that championship club. In the first-ever compilation of interviews with each player on the roster, we learn what moments remain vivid from that season, and how the experience affected their lives for years to come.

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