Where Everything Ends di Santos Hernandez edito da Lulu.com
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Where Everything Ends







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Letter from the Author Thank you for letting write whatever I wanted for all these years. If I wrote like I wanted I know I would have written over 60 Poetry Books. However time is short and I did what I could. Twenty-eight poetry books I would say is an awesome accomplishments and not a lot of people get to do half of what I did. Thank you for reading and going through what I have went through and honestly hope you could relate to one or more of my poems so that I wouldn't feel alone. It was fun and stressful writing these poetry books, a lot of pain and happiness went into each word. This being my final poetry book deeply saddens me because it feels like I am going to lose a talent. Tomorrow is not promised so I can't keep promising books if I can barely keep up with one. So here it is my final masterpiece. Everything you expected and more I give you my last and final and latest set of emotions I give you Where EVERYTHING ends...

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