When Women First Wore Army Shoes di A Starbird Ethel a Starbird edito da Iuniverse
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When Women First Wore Army Shoes

A First-person Account Of Service As A Member Of The Women's Army Corps During Wwii







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Descrizione When Women First Wore Army Shoes

Daughter, sister and sister-in-law of Army men who would all rise to the rank of General, it was not much of a surprise when Ethel A. Starbird decided to serve her country as a member of the Woman's Army Corps during World War II. After multiple attempts to "make weight" to join the Army, due to the lack of different weight standards for female recruits, Starbird learns to do things the Army way as a "Public Relations Man," making her way from her enlistment in Burlington, Vermont to an overseas assignment as one of the "New Guinea Pigs" in Hollandia, New Guinea. From learning the "Queen Street shuffle" - required to allow a chivalrous male General to still enter an elevator before a female Private - to the Army's seeming obsession with the reproductive health of their WACs, join Starbird as she humorously recounts her enlisted experience and the Army's growing pains as it learned to adapt to women in its ranks.

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