When We Were Kids di Alan Hendrix Craig Alan Hendrix edito da Iuniverse
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When We Were Kids

Memories Of Another Time And Place







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Descrizione When We Were Kids

Written in the mindset of a kid growing up in the '60s and '70s, "When We Were Kids" takes the reader along on a bike ride to a simpler and more innocent time. Share the excitements, the disappointments, the youthful wonder and the never-ending enthusiasm of a young mind that was always focused on the next "plan of action". From tree houses to B-B guns, box turtles to rocketships, discovery and a passion for adventure were always the order for the day. Not all was happiness. Though there may not have been a Frankenstein in the basement or weird green hair from outer space, there was a very real monster to overcome and all too close to home. No monster can keep a good kid down, though. Take a simple idea, add a touch of imagination, then toss in Marty, the kid from across the street and you've got the perfect recipe for adventure. It's "Damn the torpedoes and full-speed ahead!"

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