When He Came Back di Jessica a. Briones edito da Paragraphs Ink
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When He Came Back






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Descrizione When He Came Back

There's always a chance the past will come back. Always a chance for secrets to reveal themselves... Claire Monroe thinks she has it handled. She's moved back to her home town, bought a house and has been commissioned by The King Edward Hotel in Toronto to paint three original works. She never imagined that at the conclusion of her meeting she would see Austin McKinley, love of her life and world-renowned rocker, walk into the lobby. Letting him go six years ago so he could fulfill his rock star dreams was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Seeing him now involves a revelation she isn't prepared to face. All Austin sees in the lobby of his hotel is the woman responsible for sending him into a tailspin. His destructive behavior had been the result of a broken heart and a shattered dream that didn't include his music. For six years he's kept up the façade for his band. Yellow Scarlet hit the big time, and he couldn't just up and leave. But he has finally reached his limit. The band is taking a badly needed break to regroup and rest. Seeing Claire is unexpected, and the realization that he still loves her grates at his every nerve. Austin will fall in love again and will quickly find out that they have a bond that can never be severed. Their love is young, it is real and it is irrevocable. Author's note: Due to strong language and scenes of a sexual nature, this book is intended for 18+.

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