When God Spoke to the Fisherman di Jamie Cortz edito da iUniverse
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When God Spoke to the Fisherman







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Descrizione When God Spoke to the Fisherman

When God Spoke to the Fisherman examines the fragile nature of love, friendship, and loss. It is the story of an old Korean fisherman who blames God for his unbearable confusion, emptiness, and regrets following the death of his wife of nearly fifty years. The only way Sonny can cope is to seek solitude on an abandoned rock jetty, passing the seasons by fishing. Sonny's wish to spend of the rest of his days alone is denied, however, by a cast of unforgettable misfits who come to populate his fortress by the sea. These characters set the stage for a series of events that force the old man to differentiate between mere serendipity and divine intervention. But it is not until a climactic showdown with God Himself that Sonny is finally able to truly hear. ¿This fable-like tale reaches the heart through artistry, honesty, and the truth of the human condition.¿ Bruce McAllister- Author of Dream Baby and The Girl Who Loved Animals

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