When God Brings You Love di J. T. Critzer edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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When God Brings You Love

Trusting God


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The attraction was immediate...but complicated. There were so many obstacles. How could something that felt so perfect seem so impossible? Would God really bring them love? Jennifer's parents had been called from Colombia to New York to start a new church. She was seventeen and left behind friends and family when they made the move to the United States. In the years to follow, she served God, learned to speak English, and transformed from a teenage girl into a beautiful and talented woman. Dedicated to the Lord, she had never been in a long-term relationship but now felt the desire to find that special person whom she could share her life with. But was that God's plan? James had married young and gone through a difficult divorce that left him as the single dad of three children. Focusing on his kids and his relationship with God had been his top priorities. But now they were grown, and it was time for him to start the next chapter of his life. A lot of years had passed since he had dated, and that part of his life seemed so far away. Was it possible that God would really give him a second chance? Distance, age, culture, spiritual backgrounds, and family systems-it was too much, too many differences. How could it ever work? And then there was Carrie-attractive, sophisticated, charming, wealthy, and incredibly devious. James had caught her eye, and she wasn't about to let his and Jennifer's love stand in her way. What was God's plan? If He wanted them together, then how would He guide them through the tragedies and struggles that kept trying to tear them apart? Would God really bring them love?

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