When Fear Dies di C. Alaniz edito da AuthorHouse
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When Fear Dies







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Descrizione When Fear Dies

In our world of life, we stroll along searching for that special hand to hold onto. Men and women not only seek love, but companionship. Canvassing high and low, we quest for those embraces that not only clasp the flesh, but also wrap a lasting caress around our emotional makeup. Some of us will be swirled into the great joys of unforgettable happiness while others will find themselves spinning into a life of unforgettable anguish. And along with us, hidden in the dark shadows of any relationship, steps a lone stranger. He will keep his distance but remain ever present. He watches all life. He has come for one sole purpose-he has come to take it. He does not rest in the time of day, for he will never be weary. Ultimately, he has become the most feared outlander of all. On nature's grasses of life, where his approach is not heard, his touch will come with gentleness. He has a proper place. He has a proper name. He is Death.

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