What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? a Book for Expectant Moms about Expectant Dads di Robert Garrett Rodriguez edito da Lulu.com
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What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? a Book for Expectant Moms about Expectant Dads







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Descrizione What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? a Book for Expectant Moms about Expectant Dads

What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? A Book for Expectant Mothers ABOUT Expectant Fathers describes the changing, challenging and sometimes baffling behaviors, of expectant fathers, a foreign and often misunderstood territory filled with myth and mistakes. Written for expectant mothers, the book replaces fiction with fact about the thinking and behavior of their spouse and partner during pregnancy. The book provides the reader with a roadmap to understanding the windfalls and pitfalls of starting a family. The lessons and stories presented help every expectant couple express their needs during pregnancy giving them a commanding lead to achieve their dreams as parents. Every pregnancy begins with hope. I fulfill this hope by offering new insights, encouraging tolerance, and providing the signs and steps to follow for a blissful tomorrow.

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