What's the Time, Ref?: Tell the Time with Manchester United edito da Andre Deutsch

What's the Time, Ref?: Tell the Time with Manchester United

Anderson Jeff




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Descrizione What's the Time, Ref?: Tell the Time with Manchester United

A fun tell-the-time book for United youngsters and their anxiously competitive parents. The book tells the story of a United crazy kid preparing for and then going to a big match at Old Trafford. From the moment he gets up, the young Red pesters a succession of adults about the time, and when he eventually gets to the game he repeatedly calls out to the match officials about the time. Each double-page artwork features a different type of clock (alarm clock, kitchen clock, hall clock, station clock, and stadium clock), and there is advice at the back of book about the half hours and the quarter hours. The book also has a clock with moveable hands cut through the front cover and all the pages, so the eager youngster can move the "big hand" and "little hand" as necessary to get the appropriate configuration on the dial.

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€ 11.10

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