What Really Happened on October 5, 1892: An Attempt at an Accurate Account of the Dalton Gang and Coffeyville di Lue Diver Barndollar edito da AWOC.COM
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What Really Happened on October 5, 1892: An Attempt at an Accurate Account of the Dalton Gang and Coffeyville

An Attempt at an Accurate Account of the Dalton Gang and Coffeyville







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Descrizione What Really Happened on October 5, 1892: An Attempt at an Accurate Account of the Dalton Gang and Coffeyville

This is an illustrated account of the Dalton Gang's unsuccessful raid on two banks in Coffeyville, Kansas on October 5, 1892. Originally published by the Coffeyville Historical Society, this reprint includes an updated foreword by the author. Included in the book are brief histories of the area, the Dalton family, the brothers (Bob, Grat, and Emmett) both as lawmen and as outlaws, and a detailed account of the raid and its aftermath, including information about the citizens who rose to the defense of their town. Author, Lue Diver Barndollar, has appeared on the History Channel as an expert on the Dalton Gang and Coffeyville, Kansas.

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