What's Life Without a Dream? di Gary Marting edito da Archway Publishing
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What's Life Without a Dream?

How I Overcame Abuse and Delinquency to Become an FBI Agent





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Descrizione What's Life Without a Dream?

Gary Marting grew up with an abusive father, and outside school, he mixed with the wrong crowd. Eventually, he began abusing alcohol, and one time, he came dangerously close to teaming up with a friend to commit a felony. After a dismal record in high school, no colleges would accept him. Knowing all that, it would seem like he'd be the last person to make something of himself, but somehow, he became an intelligence officer during the Vietnam War and then achieved his dream of becoming an FBI agent. In What's Life Without a Dream?, he looks back at his difficult childhood, including how he overcame childhood bullying, as well as what led him to join the Air Force and his role in the war. Marting could have easily allowed his life to unfold in a different direction. But with determination and grit, he climbed over obstacles and never once gave up on his dream. Join Marting as he examines how he beat the odds, met his wife by sheer chance in Las Vegas, and made his mark as an FBI agent catching federal fugitives and solving white-collar crimes.

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