What Killed Sally di Slim and Cassy edito da Covenant Books
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What Killed Sally





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Descrizione What Killed Sally

The Green Tree Campers of America youth organization leads camping expeditions to educate their young-mostly city-raised members-in outdoor skills, and PSL Ranch in Central Texas is one of their favorite locations. Although this ranchland is beautiful and full of interesting wildlife, it can also be quite dangerous for the unprepared. Due to "a few" lethal incidents involving campers named Sally, PSL ranch hands created this informational safety guide to avert injury, maiming, or death for those camping in this remote Texas ranchland. "Why Sally? What did Sally ever do to you?" these questions are often asked of ranch hands by visitors or during interrogations by law enforcement officers following an incident. The simple answer is, "Why not Sally?" What Killed Sally is a hilarious, politically incorrect, and somewhat twisted collection of ways Sally meets her maker while camping on a remote Central Texas ranch. Fully illustrated, What Killed Sally provides information on each incident while including interesting and sometimes useless facts on the local wildlife, fauna, and inhabitants. There's even a bonus section with some scrumptious recipes that keep GTCA campers well-fed. Based on actual locations and the ranchers that manage the land, What Killed Sally provides all the information you'll need to survive the Central Texas outdoors should you decide to hike or camp in this desolate wilderness. Had Sally read this safety guide, it may have saved her life.

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