What If You Are Your God? di Emiddio Joe Cataldo edito da Balboa Press
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What If You Are Your God?

Are You in Control of Your Life?


Balboa Press





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Descrizione What If You Are Your God?

During the course of author Emiddio Joe Cataldo's journey, he has experienced a variety of events that have served to expand his knowledge of himself. In the process of learning, he has absorbed information, but it was not until 2012 that he was encouraged by a friend to share his knowledge with the world. His new collection of thoughts encapsulates a strong base of information regarding life choices and the rules by which we live our lives. His journey continues today, as always, with ever-increasing passion for exploring the realms of quantum physics, spirituality, metaphysics, and science, especially as they relate to health and well-being. We have all the necessary biology within ourselves to heal whatever is afflicting us; we just need to understand the steps to take to make it happen. Our life force is vital to our health, and we must grasp how it all connects with the universal energy that is abundant and infinite. This connection is rarely made, but when it is, miracles can happen. Cataldo shares the steps that he has taken to take control of his life and to insure that he makes the right choices for his good health. You too can take these steps and move forward for your own well-being.

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