What Child is This? di John R. Mabry edito da Apocryphile Press
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What Child is This?

A Christmas at Bremmer's Novel





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Descrizione What Child is This?

"Who would have believed that a baby everyone thought such a tragedy would turn into such a blessing?" When a baby is abandoned on the loading dock of the second-largest Christmas store in the world, it kicks off a heartwarming mystery that will fill you with the Christmas spirit. Welcome to the small town of Munich, Michigan, where it is always just a little bit Christmas, and the people are…well, pretty much like people everywhere. In What Child is This, we meet Jerry, the soft-hearted but indecisive manager of Bremmer's Christmas emporium, who struggles to keep his eccentric employees on task. We are also introduced to the town sheriff who recently lost his daughter and struggles with guilt and grief. And we meet Rev. Katie, Munich's first female clergy person, who is not feeling at all welcome in her new town. And yet, somehow, all of them will find their lives changed and their hopes restored by the arrival of a mysterious baby in this inspirational "happily ever after" Christmas novel. Page Up and Order Now

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