Western education among women in Katsina emirate : 1903- 2000 di Mohammed Kabir Gundawa edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Western education among women in Katsina emirate : 1903- 2000

1903- 2000





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Descrizione Western education among women in Katsina emirate : 1903- 2000

This Book examines the evolution, impact and problems associated with Western Education among Women in Katsina Emirate from 1903 -2000. The study shows that in 1903 Women Education in Katsina was not the priority of the British. But from the late 1930¿s, it started gathering momentum due to the imposition of Colonial Educational Policies. In the Post Colonial period, women education got a boost as a result of the introduction and implementation of many educational Policies by the Regional, Federal, defunct Kaduna and current Katsina State governments. The study highlights the emergence of early educated women who have reached prominent positions through education and the role they played in nation-building.

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