Wernher von Braun - Space Scientist di Annie Laura Smith edito da The Ardent Writer Press, LLC
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Wernher von Braun - Space Scientist





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Descrizione Wernher von Braun - Space Scientist

THIS IS THE COLOR INTERIOR PAPERBACK. ISBN: 978-1-938667-40-4 THE BLACK AND WHITE INTERIOR PAPERBACK IS ISBN: 978-1-64066-108-0. This is a second edition, non-fiction, children's science biography, revised and expanded from the first edition. Wernher von Braun was not born in America, but he became an American citizen because he believed in American ideals as well as the courage and capabilities of our great nation. It was von Braun and his team who helped launch America's first satellite as well as NASA. Along the way from El Paso to Huntsville to Washington D.C. he became America's most important symbol for space exploration. With intelligence and daring, Dr. von Braun not only launched rockets but also American minds and hearts to the heavens and above. This children's book, Wernher von Braun - Space Scientist by Annie Laura Smith, is part of The Ardent Writer Press' Young Reader Series of books and biographies, notably biographies of prominent scientists. Be a part of von Braun's life as a NASA director and visionary leader for space exploration. See how it was his ideas and conviction that sold John F. Kennedy to launch America to the Moon and beyond. He left a rich legacy of achievements which will encourage young readers to pursue careers in science, math, and technology.

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