Well-Child Care in Infancy di MD MPH William B. Pittard III edito da iUniverse
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Well-Child Care in Infancy

Promoting Readiness for Life







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Descrizione Well-Child Care in Infancy

Experimental findings have indicated an association between well-child care and cost-efficient health care and increased school readiness. But insurance companies and Medicaid administrators sometimes aren't aware of the findings, which is why a book on well-child care is so necessary. William Pittard, a longtime medical doctor who has spent decades specializing in pediatrics, teams up with other experts to explore how well-child care promotes the health and future success of children in this book for parents, health care providers, policy makers, and others. Learn how: ¿ Medicaid's scope has been broadened to include preventative care; ¿ confrontations and controversies have led to health care reform; ¿ legislators and others can take action to improve coverage. The preventive care the authors focus on includes anticipatory guidance; continuity of care; assessment of growth and development; screening procedures for vision, hearing, dental, and cognitive development; and immunizations. By learning more about the health care system and what the latest research tells us about well-child care, you'll be better equipped to promote the health and future success of children in a cost-effective way. That's a win for parents, insurance companies, taxpayers, and most importantly-the next generation.

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