Welcome to the USSA di Ryan Dawson edito da iUniverse
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Welcome to the USSA

Corruption In The Government And Media







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Descrizione Welcome to the USSA

Beyond the facade of the two major political parties clucking their non-sense back and forth like an irate hen house, there is an inherent flaw in our system. The barn is on fire, and all the chicken hawks and droppings just run around on top of each other like fools. The system's weakness is mainly in the executive branch where the cabinet can be stuffed like a corporate wish list of big money puppets who trade blood for profit. The war pig's fat, over bloated, military budget does not have the primary purpose of defense but to serve as a medium to funnel cash into select industries, particularly, energy, pharmaceuticals, weapons, and construction. Both parties voted for a war that was based on conscious lies, not tragic mistaken intelligence, or even incompetence, this war was based on well-planned propaganda, known forgeries, and intentional lies. Discover the roots of the war planers, how they promoted it, and why. It is time the great American nation exposed its neocon leeches and removed the Zionists snakes in our ear. The press is too busy with celebrity gossip to care to report the news, and more often than not they have simply been a government whipping boy, by spouting off every single obvious pre-invasion lie and keeping deadly silent coverage of all the dissident voices.

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