The Webb School of Bell Buckle di Susan Coop Howell, Hannah Byrd Little edito da ARCADIA PUB (SC)
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The Webb School of Bell Buckle





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Descrizione The Webb School of Bell Buckle

The Webb School of Bell Buckle is the oldest continuously operating boarding school in the South. In Culleoka, Tennessee, in 1870, William Robert "Sawney" Webb Sr. founded the school, and classes were taught in the basement of a Methodist church. Webb's brother, John Maurice, joined as coprincipal in 1873. Having family ties to the town of Bell Buckle, the Webbs moved the school to its permanent home in 1886. With Sawney known for his drive and discipline and John known for his "saintly character, deep learning, and the gift of imparting it," according to Vanderbilt University professor emeritus Edwin Mims (Webb School class of 1888), the brothers were a powerful force in education and later became founding members of the Southern Association of Independent Schools. In addition to 10 Rhodes Scholars, the school has produced governors, university presidents, diplomats, CEOs, actors, artists, and several award-winning authors. The Webb School celebrates its sesquicentennial in 2020.

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