Web Services Security and E-Business di G. Radhamani, G. S. V. Radha Krishna Rao edito da Idea Group Publishing
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Web Services Security and E-Business





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Descrizione Web Services Security and E-Business

Many techniques, algorithms, protocols and tools have been developed in the different aspects of cyber-security, namely, authentication, access control, availability, integrity, privacy, confidentiality and non-repudiation as they apply to both networks and systems. Web Services Security and E-Business focuses on architectures and protocols, while bringing together the understanding of security problems related to the protocols and applications of the Internet, and the contemporary solutions to these problems.Web Services Security and E-Business provides insight into uncovering the security risks of dynamically-created content, and how proper content management can greatly improve the overall security. It also studies the security lifecycle and how to respond to an attack, as well as the problems of site hijacking and phishing.

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