A Wealthier, Fairer Scotland di KEATING  MICHAEL edito da Edinburgh University Press
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A Wealthier, Fairer Scotland

The Political Economy of Constitutional Change





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Descrizione A Wealthier, Fairer Scotland

How can Scotland use its new and existing powers to create a brighter economic and social future? The ambition of the Scottish Government is to create a wealthier and fairer nation. Following the devolution acts of 1998, 2012 and 2016, it has extensive powers and resources to fulfil its ambition. This interdisciplinary collection of essays asks how this can be achieved, given the range of powers available, economic constraints, institutions and public support. Looking at economic policy, taxation and welfare, this provides a realistic analysis of the opportunities and constraints facing a small, devolved nation. After years of debate on what powers Scotland should have, this book examines how they might be used to shape the country's future. Michael Keating is Professor of Politics at the University of Aberdeen, part-time Professor at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Centre on Constitutional Change. Cover image: Glasgow cityscape from the Clyde, 2014, photograph by Colin Mearns/Herald & Times Group Cover design: [EUP logo] edinburghuniversitypress.com ISBN [PPC] 978-1-4744-1642-9 ISBN [cover] 978-1-4744-1643-6 Barcode

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