We Come to Life with Those We Serve: Fulfillment Through Philanthropy di Richard Gunderman edito da INDIANA UNIV PR
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We Come to Life with Those We Serve: Fulfillment Through Philanthropy

Fulfillment Through Philanthropy





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Descrizione We Come to Life with Those We Serve: Fulfillment Through Philanthropy

What is the most meaningful and rewarding path in life? Many assume we enrich ourselves only by accumulating more wealth, power, and fame, or by finding new and greater forms of pleasure.In reality, we are most enriched notintakingfrom others but insharing the bestwe have to offerthrough a life ofservice. The legendary, real-life individuals and the famous literary characters in this inspiring book show us the way: Vincent Van Gogh exemplified service through art, Benjamin Franklin dedicated his life to service of community, and the career of coach John Wooden is apt testimony to the rewards of service through education. Gunderman persuasively argues that, far from draining away ourvitality, service at its best actually brings us to life.

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