We're Having the Time of Our Lives di Joyce Jennison edito da iUniverse
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We're Having the Time of Our Lives







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Descrizione We're Having the Time of Our Lives

As promised, here it is-the sequel to Are We Having Fun Yet? Thinking we would need the rest of our lives to recover from our children's adventures and antics, my husband and I looked forward to years filled with calmness and serenity. It didn't happen. Our granddaughters picked up where their parents left off-only this time we had a teenager and toddlers simultaneously. Our toddlers came with their own set of instructions, and our teenager had her own agenda that she wanted to follow. Come see her mother and grandparents watch in horror when our beautiful teenager, Jenn, joins the wrestling team and actually wrestles with boys. Meanwhile, watch eighteen-month-old Peyton bring her grandmother to the mats while Jordan almost becomes the third generation to knock out her two front teeth. Now, I hit menopause-head on. See me destroy our home by bouncing hamburgers off the walls and slamming craters into the plaster. Hormones fly haphazardly and temper tantrums are tantamount. Finally, in spite of obedience classes, our dog, Muffy, is totally out of control and adds to the constant chaos. Hold on tightly and come join us. You're in for the time of your life.

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