We Are Becoming di Leah Light edito da AuthorHouse
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We Are Becoming

Souls Evolving







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Descrizione We Are Becoming

If you have ever. Loved and lost, and loved again; coped with an impossible family member; juggled marriage, children, career and a mortgage, while somehow trying to find time for yourself; been embroiled in a lawsuit in which only the lawyers won; battled the bulge and/or struggled with body image; suffered the tragic loss of a loved one; or become one of the sandwich generation, raising kids while caring for older parents; this is a book you will want to read. We Are Becoming...is the story of an ordinary woman who found she possessed extraordinary abilities. Her journey encompasses the common milestones that many women experience. However, her story is viewed through a "third eye" lens - as an intuitive who learns to own and develop her healing gifts. This account of one woman's spiritual quest is amusing, poignant and at the same time, illuminating. May it empower you to discover your own gifts and, ultimately, to embrace the shining spirit that inhabits us all.

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