The Way to Godhood the Way to Godhood di R. Swinburne Clymer edito da Kessinger Publishing
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The Way to Godhood the Way to Godhood





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Descrizione The Way to Godhood the Way to Godhood

1914. Second text book on the new life that shall lead man from weakness, disease, and death, to freedom from these things, and to strength and power before unknown. Partial Contents: Manhood and responsibility; Heaven, the state of happiness, must be found on earth; Life, not a disease, an evil, from which to fight for freedom; Conscious individuality; It is not necessary to renounce the world; Hope; Servitude follows weakness; Natural instincts are promptings of nature; Total depravity comes only through living a depraved life; Health is necessary; Kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of joy and satisfaction; Spirit of chivalry and fairydom is constructive in its effects; Manhood or degeneracy, which?

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