The Way of the Philosopher di Abdul Shakoor edito da Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
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The Way of the Philosopher





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Descrizione The Way of the Philosopher

The Way of the Philosopher touches on a wide range of philosophical ideas and perspectives. It opens by pondering the meaning of philosophy itself, defining it as 'the search of truth' and 'the continual failure to get to the truth.' The author then dives into discussions of logic, reason, the patterns of thought, living in the present moment, and having an open, questioning attitude. There are reflections on the purpose of emotions, the subjectivity of morality, the illusion of past and future, and the importance of authenticity. Several chapters offer practical personal growth teachings, from cultivating self-awareness to overcoming fears and destructive thought patterns. Themes of freedom, autonomy, and self-reliance also feature prominently. Throughout, author Abdul Shakoor aims to share useful life lessons and timeless insights. The Way of the Philosopher emphasizes cooperating with others, facing challenges with courage, removing the veils of illusion, and ultimately living by following one's heart. While wide-ranging, the unifying message seems to be about seeking truth through philosophy and dedicated self-inquiry.

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