The Way Forward di Ben Ricardo edito da iUniverse
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The Way Forward







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Descrizione The Way Forward

Jo is working in the screw aisle at the local hardware store when a beautiful middle-aged woman strikes up a conversation with him. Moments later, an older man approaches Jo and openly hits on him. Befuddled by their advances, Jo hides in the back room to do busy work. A short time later, Jo sees the couple holding hands. Turns out the pair are not random strangers hitting on him. They are together. The next day when Bianca Sinclair returns to the store to offer Jo a job helping fix up their house, he cannot help but wonder if the proposal is as innocent as it seems. Still, he needs the money and accepts. As desires buried long ago are rekindled, Jo slowly begins to adapt to his new romantic arrangement with the gorgeous Bianca and her dynamic husband, Matt. But as lust overtakes every aspect of his life, Jo is left to question whether he ever knew who he was and what he wanted. Will he ever see a new way forward or will he return to his old life a changed man? In this erotic tale, a hardware store clerk becomes intertwined with a married couple who desire much more from him than just help fixing up their house.

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