Watson, J: Jack Watson's Complete Guide to Creating Bla di Jack Watson edito da Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc

Watson, J: Jack Watson's Complete Guide to Creating Bla

From Nudes To Fashion





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Descrizione Watson, J: Jack Watson's Complete Guide to Creating Bla

Book & CD-ROM. Award-winning photographer Jack Watson has crafted a unique book dedicated to female glamour images created in black and white to honour the famous Hollywood stills photographers of the 1920s and 30s. With the help of a large collection of stunning glamour models who have been featured globally in many print, web, and video media including Playboy Enterprises, Watson shows you how he creates sensuous, seductive glamour black and white images out of virtually any colour glamour photograph. Dispelling the myth that not all colour images make good black and white images, this book illustrates how virtually any glamour photo can be crafted to recreate the looks of the Hollywood masters. Includes a CD with every photograph in the book. All of the black and white photos started out as colour digital files. They have been provided in their original, high-resolution, colour form for your non-commercial use. This book is for those who have some basic Photoshop skills and want to broaden their horizons and experiment with additional plug-ins and software such as Nik Colour Efex Pro Complete, Nik Silver Efex Pro, Topaz Adjust, and Topaz BW Effects. It s also for anyone who just loves looking at beautiful black and white female glamour images. While most of the images in the book are sexy in nature, a number of examples show how sexy is not always the naked truth, but quite the contrary. Clothed or nude, the female form is a thing of beauty. At the very least, this book will make you rethink what is truly glamorous. Creating black and white glamour photos will help you see with your brain and feel with your heart. Remember it is not what you see in a photograph that moves you; it is what you don t see. So, boot up your computer, open your favourite photo software, put the CD in the drive, and create some magic.

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€ 54.60

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