I Was the Wind Last Night di Ruskin Bond edito da Speaking Tiger Books
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I Was the Wind Last Night

New and Collected Poems





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Descrizione I Was the Wind Last Night

'There is nothing to keep me here, Only these mountains of silence And the gentle reserve of shepherds and woodmen Who know me as one who Walks among trees.' One of India's finest and most popular writers, Ruskin Bond is loved as much for the lyricism of his verses as for his classic stories. Tender and unsparing, understated but powerful, his poems reveal a deep connection with nature and appreciation for a surprising range of human emotions. This definitive collection of his poems, written over a lifetime, brings together themes as diverse as love, nostalgia, humour, family and friends, solitude and, of course, the joys to be found in spending time with nature. A timeless classic to enjoy or share, I Was the Wind Last Night: New and Collected Poems is a treasured addition to every poetry lover's bookshelf.

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