I Was Taking Notes di Charlie Mitchell edito da Lulu.com
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I Was Taking Notes







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Descrizione I Was Taking Notes

Work advice based on 30 years of taking notes on business, life, and truth collected from great mentors and bad examples. They did not teach this stuff in school. While many people hope for better paying jobs to fall into their laps, others figure out how to make themselves more valuable. This book gives you some tools to do just that. Chapters include: 2 You Must Constantly Train 4 Seven Habits 5 Five Dysfunctions 6 Speed of Trust 8 One Minute Management 9 Checklists 10 Getting Things Done 11 Hyperproductivity and Pomodoros 12 Muda, Mura, Muri 13 I Could Care Less (sic) 14 Subject: Check This Out 16 Eats, Shoots, and Leaves 17 Made to Stick 18 Commander's Intent 24 Management Quotes 25 Being a Better Manager 26 Hardest Thing in Business 27 Avoiding Dumb Things 33 Real Project Management 35 Change Orders and Contingency 37 Negotiating 38 Oral Presentations 42 Four Hiring Principles 45 Getting Fired 47 Systems Integration Business Model

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