I was not alone - 1st - di Sriyam edito da Lulu.com
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I was not alone - 1st -







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Descrizione I was not alone - 1st -

True and touching story of a child (Steven), who lost his mother when he was six years old. He lives a childhood and adolescence of hardships, in desperate loneliness. Steven hears a voice in his heart: it is the voice of a 'Wise Friend' (Dave), who will accompany him through his growth. He gives him explanations and consciousness in a simple way, helping him to understand his feelings and emotions, the situations and relationship he lives, what determines people's behaviors, and how to live his life. Once adult, Steven finds out that Dave is his Angel. Steven helps to feel the presence of an 'Angel Friend' next to us, able to read in our heart everything. The tender love that surrounds this story can nourish the inner Child inside every one of us, even children, adolescents and young people. The simple wisdom contained in this story can accompany everyone in our growth. It gives food for thought about life. Dave's words have been channeled by Satya The story is divided into 2 volumes.

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