I Want To Be a Kid When I Grow Up di Margaret Maes edito da iUniverse
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I Want To Be a Kid When I Grow Up

Adults' Guide to Sanity, Freedom and Happiness







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Descrizione I Want To Be a Kid When I Grow Up

Somehow we adults have managed to create lives that have become more stressful, complicated and burdensome than ever before. In the face of a growing sense of collective disillusionment, somewhere deep within each of us is the longing to return to something purer, simpler, freer, saner. I Want To Be a Kid When I Grow Up offers a refreshing and accessible alternative. This unique and inspirational self help book combines thoughtful social critique with creative and nurturing solutions for personal growth and happiness, such as doing field work with real kids as well as "adults gone pro," abandoning chronic "conditionalism," getting reacquainted with imaginary friends, and bidding guilt and worry farewell. Through candid observations, personal stories, and pointed humor Margaret Maes helps us remember and reclaim the magic, creativity and limitlessness we knew at one time but have since somehow forgotten. An oasis in an arid adult land, this unique book will open your soul to what is truest and deepest within it, your mind to every possibility, and your heart to deep, unquestioned, unfailing, unconditional self love and appreciation.

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