The Wanderer's Quest di Veronique Racine edito da Olympia Publishers
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The Wanderer's Quest





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Descrizione The Wanderer's Quest

Disease, radiation, and violent storms have ravaged the earth, laying waste to all that was civilised and good. Now, it is every man for himself in the struggle for survival against tyrannical despots who would exploit the innocent and vulnerable for their own gain. Madan, fifteen years on the run after the death of his family and collapse of his city, is growing tired, and desperate. Raydr, eight years escaped from horrific captivity, has learnt the hard way the sacrifices it takes to survive in this world. Thrown together by circumstance and a shared need for vengeance, can these two learn to trust each other in a kill-or-be-killed world? As they begin to open themselves up to the possibility of hope - hope for revenge, for the chance of a real future - they will find out just how important the actions of two people can be, and what the cost of vengeance really is.

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