Walking in the Miraculous: A Thirty Day Devotional di Chad W. Gonzales edito da CHAD GONZALES MINISTRIES
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Walking in the Miraculous: A Thirty Day Devotional

A Thirty Day Devotional





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Descrizione Walking in the Miraculous: A Thirty Day Devotional

Jesus Christ said that whoever believes in Him would do the same works that He did and even greater works. What were those works? MIRACLES. God has created, designed and infused within every believer the ability to work the miraculous power of God just like Jesus; although, to act like Him, we must think like Him. In Walking in the Miraculous, Chad Gonzales shares devotions designed to renew your mind to who you are in Christ and the powerful, victorious life God has designed for you to live. You will discover truths that will shatter the barriers that have held you back and propel you into a life filled with God's manifested power.

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