Walking the Line di Joshua William Clauer, Judith Adrian Gwinn edito da HenschelHAUS Publishing, Inc.
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Walking the Line

There is No Time for Hate





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Descrizione Walking the Line

"Some people are so poor all they have is money." -Bob Marley Joshua Clauer is a beloved man. He is fierce in what and who he loves. He is uncompromising in walking the line in today's complex, scrappy world. He has no time for hate. "I wrote this book so that you can be understood and can be motivated to be great. I did this by opening up my life for you, my saddest days and the best days ever." When the book was nearly complete, advanced stage cancer entered Joshua's life. His treasured family and friends have surrounded him and supported him as he fights this disease. "Thank you all for showing your love as I fight this cancer! It is so appreciated....I'm a rich man because of all of you!!!!" Yes, a rich and beloved man. Well played, Joshua. Well played.

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