Walking By Faith; Living With Love di Jennifer Kendall edito da Page Publishing, Inc.
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Walking By Faith; Living With Love

Faith Has Kept Me Strong





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Descrizione Walking By Faith; Living With Love

"I want to be buried." A simple, yet out of the blue, statement uttered one day by my husband as we drove across the state. What makes this statement so shocking? My husband has brain cancer - a rare form with a normal survival rate of five years. How would you react? What would you do when your spouse goes from a simple doctor's visit to your world being turned upside-down? Would you hide, become angry, or seek guidance and support? If you have children, what about them? Join me on a journey as we look into a life that has seen joy, fear, heartache, even pain, all without ever losing hold of one thing - God. Come and see just how amazing life can be, even at what would seem to be the worst of times, when holding fast to your faith in God and Christ. What can you lose by reading this book? More importantly, what may you lose if you don't?

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