Walk With Your Wolf di Jonathan Hoban edito da Hodder & Stoughton
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Walk With Your Wolf

Unlock Your Intuition, Confidence & Power With Walking Therapy





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Descrizione Walk With Your Wolf

WALK OUTSIDE AND TAKE A STEP TOWARDS YOUR AUTHENTIC SELFIn today's busy world many of us have lost that crucial sense of connection with ourselves and our environment. Stuck in our offices and cars and lost in thought, or engrossed in our phones, we pass our days physically and mentally confined, unaware and unhappy. This can contribute to stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. It is known that walking can be beneficial for improving mental health. Now for the first time, leading psychotherapist and pioneer of Walking Therapy, Jonathan Hoban, invites you to walk with him to help you connect with your inner 'wolf' - your primal instinct - and find space to process feelings, find answers to your problems, and understand that nature is the most powerful healer of all. Be inspired by Jonathan's personal story and his insights, as well as the moving voices of his clients. Whether you're a city dweller or live in the countryside, you can discover the power of learning to walk with your wolf.Jonathan Hoban is a leading London-based psychotherapist who uses an approach known as Walking Therapy. This style of therapy, combining a walk in nature with counselling, has led to astonishing improvements in his clients, who range from stressed-out corporate executives to celebrities to members of the general public. He runs residential rehabilitation retreats in rural Isle of Wight and across the UK, where people can re-energise their body and mind.

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