Waking from a Fallen Dream di Michael John Bohoskey edito da iUniverse
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Waking from a Fallen Dream

A Personal Spiritual Journey and Quest for Wholeness







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Descrizione Waking from a Fallen Dream

What if Jesus never died for you? What if his sole intention was to teach unconditional and universal love not only for you but for the entire world? Michael John Bohoskey challenges us to take a different look at the role of Jesus Christ-and religion in general-in his spiritually awakening memoir, Waking from a Fallen Dream. Even though a variety of Christian teachings defined Bohoskey's early life, he eventually discovered that many of his beliefs had to do with feelings of personal unworthiness and mistrust of his own nature. A former Episcopal priest, Bohoskey began a journey of self-discovery, questioning the most basic fundamentals of Christianity. In Waking from a Fallen Dream, he questions the beliefs that teach us that we are sinful by nature and separate from God. Instead, he believes that we should all wake to our own "knowingness" and empowerment, abandoning the collective programming we have allowed to control us. This is a book about giving oneself permission to question, explore, choose, live, and love without apology. Waking from a Fallen Dream is Bohoskey's heartfelt story of how he shed multiple uniforms of belief and behavior while following the yellow-brick road of inner knowledge, allowing him to experience spiritual integrity and give unconditional love the opportunity to unfold.

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