Wakan Tanka di John R. Bennett edito da FriesenPress
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Wakan Tanka

On Human Origins, Spirituality and the Meaning of Life







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Descrizione Wakan Tanka

Where did we come from? Why are we here? Is there a god? In our modern world, many people yearn for answers to these most fundamental of life's questions, having become disillusioned with trite explanations and troubled by narratives that deny their intuitive spirituality. Beginning with some of our most ancient ancestors, Wakan Tanka traces the evolution of humanity through the ages. Citing paleontological and archaeological discoveries, along with recent genetic evidence, it recounts how mankind evolved from the earliest mammals into anatomically and behaviourally modern humans. Wakan Tanka describes how human culture and spirituality evolved in concert with anatomy. Showing how humankind has, since very ancient times, had an instinctual, moral sense, it discusses how our spirituality has given us an appreciation for both the aesthetic and divine aspects of life as reflected in our cultures and artistic endeavours. By comparing philosophical and religious views of creation with modern scientific theory, Wakan Tanka reaches the conclusion that, rather than conflicting, these views are remarkably similar and equally valid ways of describing the same reality. Indeed, our scientific knowledge and spiritual beliefs can be harmonized, providing us with a deeper understanding of ourselves, of creation and of life's purpose.

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