The Waiting Room di Jack Bender, Shari Bender edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Waiting Room







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Descrizione The Waiting Room

"The Waiting Room" is the story of how one tragic event in life can not only change the course of that life, but teach us valuable lessons - some good, some bad. It's honest, and at times in-your-face, but most of all it shows that the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT always a train. In this book you will get an insight into the workings, and mishaps, of Workman's Comp, Long Term Disability, the insurance industry as well as the red tape of our justice system, all in layman's terms that anyone can understand. In the story that follows "The Waiting Room", "A Life Interrupted", Shari chronicles her life as a Caregiver, which started at a very early age. This journey involved many personal sacrafices on her part, which led her through a life of placing everyone else's well being ahead of her own. Together, these two stories give you a well rounded image of life and all of it's tragedies from two perspectives - the injured and sick, as well as the Caregiver.

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