The Voyages Of The Solar Queen di Andre Norton edito da Positronic Publishing
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The Voyages Of The Solar Queen





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Descrizione The Voyages Of The Solar Queen

The Solar Queen is a trader ship crewed by Dane Thorson, Tau, and Captain Jellico. These are her voyages. The Plague Ship: The Solar Queen and her crew have the trading rights to the wealthy planet Sargol, But to take advantage of them and see a any return on their investment they must fight the Reptilian Gorp, negotiate with the cat-like Salariki, and find a cure for the sleeping sickness that has caused the Solar Queen to be called a plague ship and which has other ships looking to destroy them on sight. Voodoo Planet: After a flyer crash Dane Thorson, Tau, and Captain Jellico find themselves lost in a strange jungle. To make it back to the space port they will have to fight their way. Standing between them and civilization are alien animals and a powerful Voodoo priest who has plans for them.

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