Voice of the Angel: The Healing Oracles from the City of God di Divita Frank Divita, Frank Divita edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Voice of the Angel: The Healing Oracles from the City of God

The Healing Oracles from the City of God







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Descrizione Voice of the Angel: The Healing Oracles from the City of God

In 1970, an awakening experience left the author with the gift of oracles similar to that of Nostradamus. Although simple in structure, at first the oracles were almost impossible to comprehend. In time, Frank noticed that the words started to cross-reference themselves, slowly revealing an ancient language. Once understood, this language would become a Rosetta Stone that unlocks the "Hidden Mysteries" of God's written Word; illuminating for us the deeper meaning of religion, past lives, karma, soul connections, and the nature of Good and Evil. "The Oracles of Ephesus" will unveil hidden knowledge from the Bible, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Nag Hamaddi writings and the Dead Sea scrolls, while helping you understand yourself and your relationship with your Creator.

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