In vitro propagation of "Taiwan 786" Papaya di Kishor Dube, Madhuri Gour edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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In vitro propagation of "Taiwan 786" Papaya

Tissue culture production & effect of EMS on"Taiwan 786" Papaya





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Descrizione In vitro propagation of "Taiwan 786" Papaya

The ¿Taiwan 786¿ Papaya is widely appreciated in the domestic and international markets for its nutritive value, thick skin useful for transportation & longer non-perishable duration and biologically active compounds. At present there is no book in the market giving details about nutritional& pharmaceutical aspects of this plant and its production using tissue culture technique. This book provides information about various ex-plants and combinations of growth regulators to be used for callus induction and shoot production. Besides this, it also suggests the method of inducing variability in this plant using EMS as a chemical mutagen. This indispensable source book would be helpful for those who are working for the quality production of ¿Taiwan 786¿ Papaya, especially the Research scholars, Papaya grower companies, Farmers and Home scale producers to boost up their production.The results mentioned here by the authors may vary in different environmental conditions.

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