The Vision di Paul Polson edito da iUniverse
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The Vision

A Painter's Legacy







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Descrizione The Vision

Like most young men during the rebellious sixties, author Paul Polson lived through the societal changes and music of the time as well as the effects of the Vietnam War. In The Vision, he shares his story that includes a lifetime pursuit of the arts and a quest to understand himself and the world around him. From his birth in 1948, Polson was raised in small Wyoming towns. Following his art career, he moved to San Diego and eventually, Seattle. He offers details of his challenges during two unsuccessful marriages and the children who paid the price. Polson discusses the pain of having to choose between following his talents, working as a teacher, or earning a higher income in Wyoming industries so he could see his children. He tells how he traveled to Europe with the goal of visiting the major art galleries and painted during his travels. The Vision describes the life of a passionate and devoted artist, the galleries he showed in and the studios he lived and worked in. It?s one man?s story of the sacrifices made in realizing the dreams of an art career amidst responsibilities and challenges.

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